GTBN YouTube Channel

The Golden Triangle Baptist Network provides many opportunities for instruction, leadership development, and cooperative programming that we record to share through the network.

Demographics & Community Study

GTBN can assist your church in completing a community needs, demographics and opportunities study.

Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

GTBN has partnered with Safe Keeping Kids to provide Stewards of Children workshops across the Golden Triangle. Stewards of Children equips youth serving organizations, including your church, with strategies to prevent and respond to sexual abuse.


The Golden Triangle Baptist Network has available for its churches the use of our Evangelism Trailer for mission projects and ministry. This rental is provided by your contributions to the GTBN and is at no extra cost to our churches to utilize. The trailer has been curated to assist in ministry opportunities and events in our area and is maintained by the GTBN staff and those who use it.

Sabbatical Assistance Program

For pastors who may qualify GTBN’s Sabbatical Assistance Program may give up to $1,000 to match a church’s contribution towards a sabbatical.