Sabbatical Assistance Program

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For pastors who may qualify GTBN’s Sabbatical Assistance Program may give up to $1,000 to match a church’s contribution towards a sabbatical.

Why Take a Sabbatical

A sabbatical is a specific period of time granted to a minister for in-depth focus on professional and spiritual renewal and calling. It is a gracious act a church can give to their pastor in recognition of faithful ministry over an extended period of time. It is not a vacation or personal leave. It is a time for creative and intentional meditation, reflection, study, and ‘going deeper with God.’ An important result of a sabbatical (spiritual renewal) is the pastor returns to the church field with renewed focus and energy to fulfill God’s calling.

How it Works

GTBN will provide up to $1,000 to match your church’s contribution for a sabbatical for the senior pastor. The sabbatical should allow the pastor to be free of church responsibilities for at least two weeks and three consecutive Sundays, with the funding supporting weekly pulpit supply, pastoral care for the church on a limited basis, and a week away at an area retreat center. GTBN will also be available to assist the church while the pastor takes his leave. Additional elements such as training and renewal events may be included as well.

Who Can Participate

Senior or Lead Pastors of GTBN churches:

  • who have served in their present roles for at least 5 years

  • who have not taken sabbatical leave within the past 5 years

  • whose church is actively engaged and current in giving to the GTBN

  • who complete the application for Pastor’s Sabbatical Assistance

  • who commit to the Sabbatical Covenant

What to Do Now

Pastors seeking to receive Sabbatical Assistance should take these next steps:

Step 1: Prayerfully consider how you would spend your sabbatical.
Step 2: Confer with GTBN leadership about available funds and potential scheduling.
Step 3: Share the Sabbatical Assistance offer to appropriate church personnel and secure a commitment for church funding.
Step 4: Complete the application including your likely sabbatical plan and budget.

Why Not?

The pastorate is a challenging but rewarding calling. Many times the needs of family and ministry leave you with a sense of too much to do and not enough time to do it. This is especially true of bivocational pastors. You may not think you can take any time away from your church but why not take time to have a conversation with your GTBN leadership team and explore the possibility of a sabbatical?