COVID 19 Update: Gov. Abbott's Order Mandating Facial Coverings


COVID 19 Update: Gov. Abbott's Order Mandating Facial Coverings

On Thursday, July 2, Governor Abbott issued a new executive order, GA 29, and a proclamation amending GA 28. Executive Order GA 29 mandates facemasks be worn by persons over 10 years of age when inside commercial entities or other spaces open to the public. Unlike the recent orders by county judges, this order is directed to the individuals, not the business.

Of note for you is that persons actively providing or obtaining religious worship are among the exceptions. So people don’t have to wear masks into church. But while the order exempts worshipers and worship leaders, the Governor goes on to say, “but wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged.”

The proclamation amends GA 28, allowing mayors and county judges to impose restrictions on outdoor gatherings of more than 10 people. While it affirms that “people should not be in groups larger than 10 and shall maintain 6 feet social distancing from those not in their group,” it does not change the statement in GA 28 affirming there is no occupancy limit for religious services, including those conducted in churches, congregations, and houses of worship.”


1.      COVID 19 remains a concern, with confirmed cases, the test positivity rate, and hospitalizations increasing.

2.      Given the increasing number of GTBN church members who have contracted COVID 19, with some confirmed spread occurring through church activities, each church should review carefully how it will respond in the days and week ahead. Indeed, a few GTBN congregations have again suspended their gatherings for a period.

3.      Churches currently are under no governmental constraints regarding their worship services, nor have officials asked that we voluntarily suspend gatherings. While the question concerning activities apart from worship services is legally unsettled (Ex: do Bible classes count as “religious services.”), the state has given churches broad latitude to make decisions as each congregation believes is best.

4.      The proclamation allowing local leaders more control over gatherings, including limiting their size, does not apply to worship services. It will likely affect any outdoor activities conducted in public spaces, such as Back Yard Bible Clubs, block parties, or sports camps. If your church is planning such events, contact your county judge or mayor’s office for direction.

I was asked this afternoon, “Are we at a point when we need to cancel our in-person worship services again?” This is a question you will need to work through with your leaders. Each church is different. If I knew of confirmed current cases of COVID 19 among staff or members who had interacted with others at church after their exposure, I’d likely suspend services for a couple of weeks to quarantine, deep clean, and have a “re-set,” especially is the members included a high number of vulnerable persons.

On the other hand, if the church I led was not linked to spread of the disease and the church was following appropriate protocols, I would support continued gatherings. I would, however, delay children’s ministries and classroom activities until we see how the numbers run over the next couple of weeks.

As your church works through your decisions, please know that I am praying for you.

If you continue meeting, or when you resume, remember the guidelines

1) Promote healthy hygiene, including frequent hand washing, hand sanitizer, cough and sneeze etiquette, etc.

2) Encourage the use of face coverings.

3) Intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation.

4) Promote social distancing, 6 ft between families at worship or persons in groups; discourage hugs and handshakes.

5) Minimize the use of shared materials (bibles, passing the offering plate or Lord's Supper tray, etc).

Of course, these orders come down on a Thursday, with little time to communicate changes you might make for Sunday. Do what you can. If I can help you process any of this, please call. And remember, our Lord sits on His throne. He’s got this!



Dr. Jim Turnbo

Executive Director

Golden Triangle Baptist Network


America, Our Mission Field

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America, Our Mission Field

I'm grateful for America and that God placed me here. Not that the USA is flawless. Far from it. As a product of fallen human beings, the best we do will always fall short. This leaves many issues woven through our historical fabric demanding attention.

But I ask myself, if not here, then where would I choose to be? The Republic of China has just rescinded freedoms promised the citizens of Hong Kong back when the UK transferred sovereignty. On the Chinese mainland gospel centered churches have been shut down and pastors arrested. The Hindi government in India continues its persecution of Christians, as do the warring parties in Nigeria. And the European nations along with most North America has embraced the LGBTQ movement and it's agenda, pressuring citizens to reject historical, Biblical sexual norms. Sin, universal as it is, leaves no place untouched. Injustice runs far and wide in this broken world.

So what's better here? We have a Constitution that secures key rights and responsibilities, even if we've not always lived up to them. Men and women of all races have fought, and many died, to cement these. As a result, we are a nation of diversity, with the freedom to live as we believe God calls us to live, and to preach His word as He calls us to preach it. When problems arise, we have the means for addressing them. So, while our government officials don't always act as I believe they should, I can't say I'd rather be any place else.

But, and this is important, the USA is not my home. It's my mission field. Scripture says in Philippians 3:20 that the Christian's citizenship is in heaven, and that we eagerly await the return of our Savior. And so, as a believer, I rejoice in the freedoms we share in this country, I pray for and work toward correcting those issues that bring harm to my neighbors, and I seek to glorify my Lord as I share His word, for it's in the gospel that one truly finds freedom. But home’s not here. Home is with our Lord!

Enjoy the 4th!

Bro. Jim

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For Such a Time as This


For Such a Time as This

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse! A conservative US Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the acts of LGBT persons are as protected by civil rights laws as those of racial minorities, the disabled, etc.

While this may seem negligible in light of the accelerated pace at which social norms have changed, I believe it sets the table for the next wave of legal battles aimed at cementing post Christian America. It may not immediately affect your church, but it will soon impact Christian hospitals, Christian universities that accept federal student aid, and Christian children’s homes. And let’s face the fact now that, if your children or grandchildren learn the biblical view of marriage, gender, and sexuality, it will happen because you taught them a lesson counter to everything else they will learn.

When similar culture defining rulings have passed, such as the Obergefell ruling on same sex marriage, many Christians grew angry that, again, Christian values were under attack. They remember a time when even unbelievers respected the scriptures and agreed with us mostly about right and wrong. The idea that everything the church held true was suspect, or worse, the direct cause of global pain, unsettled them. So they retreated into their churches with like-minded people.

But the people of God cannot retreat. The church of Jesus Christ is not a fortress for hiding from a hostile world, it is a forward outpost for carrying His gospel into the world. And God is not surprised that these events are happening, or that you are in the middle of it.

As I ponder this, all in the context of everything else happening in 2020, I’m reminded of Esther 4:14 and how, with the lives of all Israel at risk, Mordecai suggests to Queen Esther that the very reason she occupied her position was “for such a time as this.” And through her, God accomplished His purpose.

I believe God has you and your church here, at this time, for His purpose. If he had wanted you for any other time, he would have set you then. So our mission is to continue living for Him, sharing His word, and growing disciples today.

Jeff Iorg, president of Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention in Ontario, California, said this yesterday in his blog: “Stay the course even when our global situation has a negative trajectory. The Bible describes the world’s future as a global descent into chaos before a cataclysmic ending. In light of this, we must still work for the common good and the greater good—relentlessly and tirelessly—while at the same time recognizing our battle will always be uphill.”

I think he’s right. The world will not get easier for us. But God’s mission remains. The good news for us is two fold, He still reigns, and we’re in this together.

So, let’s be the church!

Bro. Jim


It's Time for Some Good News!


It's Time for Some Good News!

We’re nearly halfway through 2020, “a year that will live in infamy.” Global pandemic, check. Community discord, check. Economic recession, check. Denominational decline and debate, what’s new. Upcoming presidential election, (insert choice of words here).

While many wish to reboot 2020 or time jump to 2021, I’d like you to see how God is at work through the churches of GTBN and across Southern Baptist life. It’s time for some good news.

Pending Executive Board approval, GTBN will soon celebrate two new church plants! Providence Church in Beaumont, led by Church Planter Brian Allen, is the first daughter church from Cornerstone Church Mid County. Brighter Day Ministries, led by planting pastor Darrell Anderson, is a new work now partnering with Gateway Baptist in Port Arthur, and will begin soon meeting in their facility.

As I’ve shared my involvement in recent weeks with Central City Baptist in Beaumont, helping them assess their future, to date four GTBN congregations have expressed interest in partnering to revitalize this congregation!

The Network continues resourcing Cross Media Ministries and the New Covenant Church in Haifa Israel, providing crucial funding at a time when government policies have hindered their work making disciples among Arab peoples.

GTBN continues efforts to strengthen churches in Belize through ministry training and completion of church facilities.

During the COVID 19 pandemic, through our partnership, pastors and ministry staff have worked together to adjust ministries, develop alternatives, and restore public gatherings.

Nationally, the International Mission Board celebrated sending 61 new missionaries across the world. You can view the virtual sending celebration here.

In the midst of COVID, Disaster Relief ministries from both state conventions responded to Onalaska (including a team from Calvary SETX), among other places. Apparently the weather doesn’t wait for pandemics to pass. Praise God for volunteers who go.

And so far, for the year, GTBN finances remain “in the black”. While giving to the Network declined during the season when churches were not meeting, conservative spending and God’s provision have allowed ministries to continue unhindered. I’m grateful to the Lord for His provision, and for your church’s continued investment in our shared ministry.

I’m sure I’ve left something out, but here’s what you need to see. In the midst of community unrest, pandemic, denominational debate and political uncertainty, God continues His work through the cooperation of your church and mine. While the crises of 2020 are all genuine concerns worthy of response, they cannot impede the mission of God, especially when God’s people remain engaged with the mission.

I’ve said it before. We’re better together.

If you agree, like the post and share. Leave a comment to share what we can celebrate about God’s activity through your church.

Until next time!

Bro. Jim


Earth, We've Got a Problem


Earth, We've Got a Problem

It’s fitting that on a weekend of extraordinary activity in space I’m quoting from my favorite astronauts about affairs on earth. But we’ve got a problem.

This isn’t news. And, unfortunately, it isn’t new. The unfathomable death of George Floyd last Monday is the latest in a long run of events that, while significant in themselves, together highlight the brokenness of society and the disproportionate effect said brokenness has on the African American community.

Before you accuse me of drinking the Kool Aid of critical race theory and intersectionality, follow my thought. One need not subscribe to dubious social theories to see the problem. Black men are dying. Yes, people of all races have been victims of excessive force by law enforcement. But there is something different in the African American experience with the police from my own.

This became real to me three years ago while leading a pastors’ Bible study. Brother John was a bivocational pastor, African American, working also as an HVAC contractor. One day he called saying he was visiting a client and would be late to our study. When he didn’t arrive at all, I called him. He said that when he left the client, a sheriff’s deputy pulled him over and was “running his license”. No speeding. No reckless driving. No probable cause. My friend never said another word about it, nor did he make any anti-police statement. A later call to another friend, the chief deputy, provided additional insight. The officer was not used to seeing a man of John’s color in a nice truck in that neighborhood. Given recent offenses in the area, my friend caught his attention.

Let me repeat, John never said anything else about it. But my heart broke with the reality that, had I been in that truck on that day, I would not have been stopped. A pastor with a godly testimony, no ill motive and a record of faithful service was stopped, searched, and screened for no other reason than being the wrong race in the wrong neighborhood.

My point here is not to cast doubt on most law enforcement officers, who are exceptional human beings and are as appalled at the treatment of George Floyd as the public at large. It’s simply to acknowledge that my African American friends face realities different from me in our communities. And this is wrong. It’s sin. As is dismissing or ignoring the problem.

The reasons for such disparity run far more deeply than simple racism, and solutions will not come through violence nor politics. The ultimate solution is a movement of God, and for this we should all pray.

But there are interim steps that I believe would honor our Lord and bless our neighbors. First, we can strengthen the communication among biblically centered pastors of all races in the community. As love and trust grows, perhaps we can progress beyond the polarizing rhetoric. And second, we can disciple believers so that our fellowship becomes a model for relations among the races across SETX.

As for me, a former police officer, I lament the wound that recent events have reopened. Even more, I grieve the persistent inability of society to heal this breach. To my African American colleagues, I can’t promise we’ll agree about reasons or solutions. But I can promise to listen, to love you, and to serve your church as I do all congregations of GTBN, that as we walk with Jesus together the world might see that we belong to Him. And maybe from this they learn how to get along themselves.

Bro. Jim


Your Church Matters


Your Church Matters

What if your church closed, not just for a few weeks, like with COVID 19, but forever?

Now, I'm kingdom minded enough to know, given the number of congregations across GTBN, if my church closed I could find a church family through which to minister and be ministered to. And so could you. So, in this sense, no single congregation is indispensable.

But consider this. Each local church is a full manifestation of the body of Christ, sharing His mission to make disciples. There is a stewardship to consider too, resources dedicated over the years to assure a given people in a given place have every opportunity to know Christ. What happens when all this goes away?

Well, when a church closes there is one less place of light in a community. Perhaps other churches will fill the gap, but it may be that people of a certain cultural background, or language no longer have ready access to the gospel. If nearby congregations are unhealthy, doctrinally suspect, perhaps lacking a heart for the community or not really growing disciples, lost is a center for raising believers most likely to reach the area. And I've not even touched on the grief as faithful members go their separate ways.

Don't misunderstand me. I believe in God's sovereignty, and His church prevails in the end. I've read the Book. And I've seen enough dysfunctional congregations to know more than a few that need to close.

But when a church closes the losses run deep.

You wonder, why do I bring this up? Well, I'm currently working with a church that is unsure how many more Sundays they can gather. Before weeks of shutdown, nobody questioned their sustainability. Now, they are unsure whether their ministry will recover.

Our Lord has an answer for this fellowship. A significant aspect to my call is helping churches in just this situation. But in working with them, a thought has crossed my mind that I believe will benefit you and your church. It’s simple really. Since no single congregation is guaranteed tomorrow, you should be faithful to the opportunities God provides today.

When planting churches in Nebraska and New Mexico, I learned that the resources are in the harvest. In other words, the best way to have resources for tomorrow's ministry is by faithfulness to His call today. Disciples you make today will be leaders for ministry tomorrow.

Every local church matters to God. And as a Network we will give ourselves to helping struggling congregations discover their next steps for Him. But the best way to prevent the losses described above is dedicated faithfulness today to the disciple making task Christ has appointed to us. Your church fills a significant role in God’s work across SETX. So let’s make today count.

Bro. Jim


Review of the Latest COVID 19 Executive Order

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Review of the Latest COVID 19 Executive Order

Review of Executive Order GA 23 (May 18, 2020)

Dr. Jim Turnbo

I’m a preacher, not an attorney. But as your missionary I have followed the changing landscape of COVID 19 since the beginning. I continue collaborating with colleagues across Texas, seeking the best analysis and recommendations for you. With this in mind, here is my review of Executive Order GA 23, issued yesterday by Governor Greg Abbott. Please keep in mind, Governor Abbott’s orders may change depending on continued spread of COVID 19.

You may download Executive Order GA 23 from this link.

1.     The core of the order is this statement:

“In accordance with guidance from DSHS Commissioner Dr. Hellerstedt, and to achieve the goals established by the President to reduce the spread of COVID-l 9, every person in Texas shall, except where necessary to provide or obtain Covered Services, minimize social gatherings and minimize in-person contact with people who are not in the same household. People over the age of 65, however, are strongly encouraged to stay at home as much as possible; to maintain appropriate distance from any member of the household who has been out of the residence in the previous 14 days; and, if leaving the home, to implement social distancing and to practice good hygiene, environmental cleanliness, and sanitation.”

2.     In reading GA 23 you will notice a change in the language, from “essential services” to “covered services.” This references a Department of Homeland Security document defining specific critical infrastructure jobs as “covered services”. In GA 23 the Governor adds “religious services conducted in churches” to these covered services.

Accordingly, religious services (most commentators believe this includes ministry activities as well as worship services) are allowed to continue and “are not subject to the conditions and limitations, including occupancy and operating limits, set forth below for other covered services.”

This statement appears to declare that at least the worship services, and likely other ministry activities, are not legally bound to any conditions or capacity limits. But…

3.     Page 7 of GA 23 says “Religious services should be conducted in accordance with the joint guidance issued and updated by the attorney general and governor.” This refers to Guidance for Houses of Worship During the COVID 19 Crisis, most recently revised April 27, the basis for most of the steps churches have followed since GTBN congregations have resumed public worship activities.

Reference to this document suggests the Governor is asking churches to continue conducting their activities remotely and that “services that houses of worship do not conduct remotely should be conducted in accordance with the minimum health protocols described…”.

So, while churches have no percentage occupancy level as do theaters and other business, and are likely not legally bound to any conditions, it appears that they are expected to follow social distancing, respiratory etiquette, and sanitation protocols, and to continue remote ministry where possible. In this sense, GA 23 should not be taken as support for the full resumption of pre-COVID 19 ministry activities.

4.     While religious services are covered services, opinions differ regarding the status of church office staff. GA 23 line 14 allows the reopening of “Non-CSA services provided by office workers in offices that operate at up to the greater of (i) ten individuals, or (ii) 25 percent of the total office workforce; provided that the individuals maintain appropriate social distancing.”

Because office functions do not usually correlate with religious services, many believe the office staff limitations are applicable to churches. Multi-staff churches will need to consider how to proceed. The Governor’s task force has a checklist for minimum health protocols for office-based employers here. A similar checklist for office employees is here.

5.     What about children’s ministries? The initial statement that “covered services are not subject to the conditions and limitations” implies that the full resumption of children’s programs is allowable under the order. Though not mentioned in the order, the Governor in his press conference mentioned Vacation Bible School specifically.

While there may not be any legal obligation, though, the statement I refer to in paragraph 3 above suggests that social distancing and sanitation protocols remain prudent. Though not quite in the same league, I have linked to the guidance for childcare facilities for your consideration. Guidance for day camps may be helpful as you consider VBS options.

Leaders across the country have suggested that parents will be more open to their child’s participation in church activities once the schools resume. GA 23 does allow for on campus learning at public school campuses as of June 1. Attendance is voluntary, so the participation level should indicate how ready people are to commence other interactive environments for their kids.

6.     And youth ministries? As I read the documents, youth ministries on the church campus are allowed under the order, provided social distancing is practiced. Youth ministries will likely resume much sooner than children’s ministries.

7.     Finally, what about camps? GA 23, paragraph 21, line b, states that youth camps can open as of May 31st. The protocols for operation are linked here. They are cumbersome, including a 25% of capacity limit for pools, sanitations plans, limiting in and out access for staff (which would include personnel who would normally come in for the day to lead specific activities), and the request for staff to arrive at camp 10 days before sessions begin to assure they do not have the virus. Furthermore, when students are assigned cohorts by age or dorm, those cohorts are discouraged from intermingling in camp activities. This suggests a camp experience unlike any we have experienced before.

Most camps for summer 2020 have been cancelled. The few that have not are assessing how they might function given the limitations. Many people believe that, even if a camp could function, because of the financial difficulties families have experienced and continued COVID 19 concern, attendance would be quite small. Several GTBN churches have already planned alternative events.


For the church, it appears there is no legal obstacle to resumption of “religious services,” but we are requested to continue exercising health and safety protocols. Office staffing is likely limited to the greater of 10 or 25% of staff.

As always each church will need to consider your specific situation in determining how to proceed. Given the heightened risk to elder persons and those with serious medical conditions, asking these individuals to delay attendance or service, especially in children’s programs, is wise, as is the continued observance of the social distancing and other health protocols.

GA 23 does not provide as much clarity as I had hoped, but I expect that clarity to come over the next several days, perhaps with revision of the Governor’s and Attorney General’s guidance. Until then, as information comes in I will be sure and pass it along to you.


Bro. Jim




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We're Back (Most of Us). Now What?

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We're Back (Most of Us). Now What?

Your church has experienced significant disruption due to COVID 19. And even though you likely have resumed a degree of public ministry or will do so soon, much uncertainty remains about how congregational ministry will occur through the remainder of the year.

Despite the uncertainty, there are a few things we know.

We know that God is at work.

I understand the frustration. Offerings are down, and ministry is not the same when preaching to a camera. Even as many churches resume public gatherings, people are hesitant to attend.

But most congregations have adjusted, continuing to connect with God’s people, disciple them, and even engage them in ministry. If you have watched our churches online, you’ve seen several baptisms, community food distributions, and even a disaster relief deployment. A few congregations, as they provided guidance for family worship and small groups on Zoom, actually have a more effective disciple making process than before COVID 19. Praise the Lord, He continues working through His church.

We also know that many challenges remain before us.

COVID 19 has certainly shoved many churches out of well-developed routines, creating more discomfort than the virus itself. But if it wasn’t COVID 19, it would be something else, right?

When James wrote “Count it all joy when you face trials of various kinds…”, he assumed that hardship would come. Serving the Lord in a fallen world was never painless.

I find that often our routines and habits create a false sense of security, convincing us that everything is as it should be. But they may do even more.

When Karen and I served in Nebraska, we lived near the Oregon Trail, along which remain deep ruts formed by the hundreds of covered wagons that carried settlers westward. Many of these ruts run several feet into the ground. While this provided a degree of comfort, simplifying navigation, it made redirection due to storm or attack almost impossible.

I wonder if many of our ministry routines and programs have the same effect. They lock us into ruts that limit our ability to respond when challenged.

If this is true, maybe this season is God’s gift, an opportunity for you to assess between healthy ministry processes and ruts. But again, if it’s not COVID 19, it will be something else.

Finally we know that God has a way for your church to glorify Him and fulfill His mission.

Someone asked, “What can we do if we can’t have Vacation Bible School? We’ve always had VBS.” My answer, “Something else.”

The New Testament church faced ethnic conflict, persecution from Jews and pagans alike, famine, and a range of internal problems due to sin and immaturity. Still, as they obediently focused on God’s purposes, their core mission, God through them built a movement spanning the ages. Despite hardship, or - more accurately - through the hardship, God has a plan for His church.

I am grateful we can gather again, as I believe physically gathering for corporate worship is a defining component for the New Testament church. But many of the programs we’ve been asked to delay have alternatives. To find them, return to two basic questions, “What is God’s mission for His church?” and “What is His mission for your local church, here, now?” Someone has asked these questions before, which led to your ministry before COVID 19. But as the situation has changed, even if temporary, returning to them is helpful.

Next ask, “Since we can’t do X for a season, is X essential to our mission?” If no, give is a rest. If yes, ask, “How can we accomplish X given our current limitations?” Consider the options and go from there. You get the idea.

My point is that, if you seek it, God has a plan by which your church can faithfully serve Him, reaching unbelievers and growing disciples, no matter what adjustments COVID 19 or any other disaster might bring.

A GTBN pastor once told me that within the network we have what we need to resource any congregation in any situation. I believe that. Which is why our fellowship together is so important. I’ll say it again, we are better together.

So, while we don’t yet have all the answers, we know God is at work, that challenges remain, but God has a plan. Let us continue supporting one another and we will complete this journey together.

Bro. Jim

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Some Matters I Pray We All Agree On


Some Matters I Pray We All Agree On

In my last post I promised some thoughts on commitments I believe we should all embrace as partners within GTBN. This COVID 19 thing has been unlike anything I’ve experienced in ministry. For one and a half months advice has come through government and ministry sources on what we should do and how we should do it. And, of course, the rules change as quickly as the TV channels do when grandpa has the remote. This whirlwind of information is complicated when you live and work in a Baptist context, a people known for having more opinions than we have people to hold them.

Within the GTBN family there is much that we share, the nature of the gospel, the inerrancy of scripture, and our missional mandate for example. But our congregations, and those who lead them, are quite diverse. And sometimes we express that diversity in passionate dialogue.

But given who binds us together, none other than the Lord Himself, I respect the diversity. In fact, I believe GTBN is stronger through it. That said, how we stand together during those times when our diversity shows most is important.

And our diversity is about to show. As we look to rebound from the COVID 19 shutdown, some GTBN congregations are resuming public worship this weekend, some Mothers’ Day, others May 17, with some still planning to wait until June. Many continue delaying children’s ministries and other events, while others work as fast as possible to pick up where they left off.

There are plenty of resources from me and others addressing when and how we relaunch. My purpose here is not redundancy. I do think it important to suggest some commitments that we should all keep as we move forward.

First, I believe we should commit to an attitude of grace toward one another. This applies far beyond this issue, but is certainly necessary now. Some congregations are in a situation to fulfill all the responsibilities coincidental to a launch this weekend. Others may require longer. Some have great peace about launching now, while others are more reserved and will wait longer. But we each have our own responsibilities from the Lord. So, convinced that we are all tending appropriately to our responsibilities, we should continue to love and encourage one another with grace regardless of the choices on this point each church makes. Costi Hinn has a great post on this which Dustin Guidry shared with me today. It’s worth reading.

Second, and closely related, we should adopt an attitude of stewardship regarding our ministries. God has entrusted each of us with leadership for certain aspects of ministry, you particularly for the congregations you serve. Part of this stewardship you exercise in the care you give to safeguard God’s people, especially the most vulnerable in your congregation.

There’s also stewardship over your witness to the community. Believe me, when I read the protocols for places of worship and then visit Walmart, I wonder what difference the details make. “Walmart doesn’t sanitize the restroom after each use. Why should we?” But our goal should never be simply to match Walmart. Let’s agree to do what’s necessary, exercising good stewardship for the church and our witness.

Another aspect to stewardship is the focus due to the particular ministry you serve. In other words, don’t worry about what the other guy does. Just as God hasn’t called you to match the programs of the neighboring church, he hasn’t called you match their launch schedule. I want to hear what you’re doing for relaunch, when you are doing it, and how you are doing it, so I can pass that along and we can encourage one another. But if your team has prayed and processed through this, and you have come up with a schedule and plan that works for you, only to hear of another church doing something different, don’t think you have to start over. Can I just say it? WE’RE NOT IN COMPETITION!

Which brings me to the final commitment I encourage you to embrace, a spirit of camaraderie towards one another. This goes beyond grace. It is the understanding that we are on the same team, working toward the same goals, with our mutual mission in mind. The whole point behind the Golden Triangle Baptist Network is that we stand together in the gospel. Regardless of which path toward resumption of worship you take, we’re better together, stronger together. But this remains only an aspirational goal, merely a hashtag, until as leaders we act on it.

While each congregation has its own witness, I believe that witness is enhanced through the love and cooperation we share. So, as you unpack the relaunch plan for your church, know that you are not alone. Your partners are with you, even if we’re a week or two behind.




When You Do Go Back... to Church


When You Do Go Back... to Church

Since Governor Abbott’s press conference Monday, ministry leaders have been asking, “When is it best for us to resume public worship at church, and what will that look like.” The timing question I addressed in a previous post. But what about the latter question?

Whether you relaunch public worship gatherings sooner or later, one thing is clear. It will not be the same as your last Sunday together. All the data I read suggest that the protocols for disinfecting surfaces, some degree of social distancing, and the encouragement of high risk persons to participate remotely will remain in effect until the final phase of reopening. How this works in your setting is, again, an individual decision. Far be it from me to suggest a blanket policy.

There are some commitments that I believe we should all embrace. I’ll share those in my next post. What I’d like to do here is give you some things to consider as you unpack what those early services back at church might look like.

First, it is likely that these first few services back at church will be worship only. Given the spacial limitations due to social distancing, on campus small groups may prove difficult. A colleague shared this morning how a 300 square foot room with a normal capacity of 20 persons could only seat three if social distancing were practiced. Until those limitations are relaxed, remote discipleship strategies remain essential.

Second, it is likely that nursery, preschool and children’s ministries will be limited until the conclusion of the COVID 19 pandemic. Several issues impact this, from the inherent difficulty in socially distancing children at play to the temporary loss of senior adult volunteers. A major concern I hear is how long it may be before young parents feel comfortable leaving their children with anyone. Let me encourage you, when you do resume children’s programs, over communicate to parents the steps you are taking to disinfect the area and protect their kids. Texas Baptists have produced a great article concerning the reopening of children’s programs. It’s worth reading.

Third, given that students are in theory better able to follow directions, youth ministries can likely be started early. As long as social distancing protocols are in force, adult leaders will need to monitor their practice. I’m thinking of that boy who attends youth group less for spiritual formation than for the company of the deacon’s daughter…. Wait a minute. We don’t have any of that here, right? Still, student ministry will be only slightly more dangerous than it normally is.

Seriously, student ministry has taken a hit. While most youth pastors have connected well with their groups through tools like Facebook and Zoom, the cancellation of sports, senior events and other activities have taken their toll. Thinking about it, I wonder if this group - especially seniors — may be the most impacted by the non-medical consequences of COVID 19. Student leaders are encouraged to check out another Texas Baptist resource, Considerations for Relaunch of Youth Ministry.

Fourth, returning to the subject of worship, there is a lot to consider before simply starting up. Whatever you think of COVID 19, we have an obligation to follow “minimum health protocols.” The good news is that, the farther we progress through the phases of reopening, the lighter these protocols become. This is true, unless we see a resurgence in cases. Public health officials say the most surprising element of this pandemic is how much COVID 19 spreads through asymptomatic carriers. This means that having greeters open doors, having restroom attendants disinfect between each use, spacing people sufficiently for congregational singing, and other adaptations will be especially important.

Here are just a few things churches across Texas are doing as they plan their initial services:

  • Extra volunteers in the parking areas, masked and gloved of course, to welcome guests and guide them to the preferred entrance.

  • Sending masks, that the greeters will eventually wear, for the children at home to decorate and return to church. On Sunday they will look out for their mask. Bonus: the masks become less scary to the kids.

  • Some churches that are planning for a later launch are inviting Sunday School classes to attend on Sunday, both as a trial run for their plan and a “live studio audience” for the pastor and worship team. Others are using Wednesday’s for their trial run.

  • Churches planning multiple services are using Eventbrite or other event registration tools to make the most of their available seating. This also enables them to gauge which families are ready to come back.

  • Churches with removable seating are setting up in a 6-4-2 pattern. Each row will have six seats, space, four seats, space, two, space, two, space, four, space, etc. Ushers help seat attenders. Those with round tables are spacing them out and seating one family per table.

  • Whatever means churches use to determine who attends which service, they leave room for guests. They do not register or assign to their current limited capacity.

  • Almost all churches are continuing to lives stream their services after they resume at-church worship. Those that do, however, need to check their music licenses. Does it allow for streaming? Facebook live will mute your stream if they detect you using unlicensed music or otherwise violating copyrights. Please note, the regular CCLI license for in-church PowerPoint use does not cover streaming or broadcasting of music.

There is a lot to consider. Whether you are relaunching this Sunday, later in May, or into June, you will want to be well prepared as you work toward bringing the congregation back together.

Let us know what adjustments you are making. In doing so, you may bless a sister congregation. And as always, if I can serve you in any way, give me a call. I love you. You’re in my prayers.





Are We Clear to Resume Public Worship Gatherings? Well, yes... no... maybe... it's complicated.

I am sure many of you watched Governor Greg Abbott’s press conference during which he announced phase 1 of Opening Texas on May 1. As expected, his subjects included the the resumption of public worship gatherings.

Soon after the press conference closed, Attorney General Ken Paxton released a revised version of “Guidance for Houses of Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis” interpreting the Governor’s order. If you do not have this April 27th revision, you may download it here.

Since then, people have asked, “Does this mean we can go back to church?” And the answer is yes… no… maybe… it’s complicated.

I drafted a statement last night based on my reading of the “Guidelines…” document, the Governor’s Executive Order GA-18, the Opening Texas report , as well as relevant CDC guidelines when these documents point to them. Please download my complete statement here.

The bottom line, given the Governor’s request that we continue doing all we can remotely, the complexity of sanitation, the spacing required for worship centers, and our spiritual responsibilities to “honor the king”, love our neighbors, and love our Lord, I recommend that most congregations continue providing ministry as they are, remotely or through drive-in, and wait at least until we reach Phase 2 before resuming public worship services. Assuming the statistics continue to run in the right direction, that would have us on pace to resume May 17th.

If your church resumes in person worship services sooner, please go beyond the minimum steps for social distancing, sanitation, and screening of staff, volunteers, and attendees. We owe our Lord, our members, and our neighbors the absolute best effort.

You may download the Governor’s Executive Order GA-18 here. Download the Opening Texas report here. For CDC guidance on childcare, click here.

I know this is disappointing for many, but the good news is that God continues working through His church, and we definitely see light at the end of this tunnel.



Dr. Jim Turnbo

Executive Director

Golden Triangle Baptist Network



Documents Helpful as You Consider When to Regather

Everyone is asking the question, when can we worship together, at our church, again. While, based on current information, GTBN is working toward a soft launch on May 17, this may look different for each church. I will have more to say about that in a future post. But I do want to share with you some resources I have found helpful for working through this. Click on the link to download the files.

First, in case you do not already have it, is the most recent directive from the Governor and AG regarding houses of worship. This explains what we can do now and how we should do it. CLICK HERE!

Next, I have for you Guidelines for Opening America Up Again, released last week from the White House and CDC. This includes a multi-stage phase in, what benchmarks must be met to reach each stage, and what is allowed. Pay attention to the gathering numbers and large venue guidance. Application of this is at the Governor’s discretion, but should show us what we can expect over the next several weeks. CLICK HERE!

Third is a spreadsheet sent to me by a friend at Lifeway for a Phased Restart Plan. It includes a generic sample and blank page you can use as you plan how you will respond at each phase. CLICK HERE!

Fourth, I am posting the Regathering the Church document produced by SBTC. This is a great document explaining the multitude of considerations necessary as we process how to proceed. CLICK HERE!

Each church will make its own decision, based on their size, facility, effectiveness of current strategies, and of course your sense of God’s direction. I hope these tools help.


Bro. Jim



GTBN Pastors' ZOOM with Jefferson County Judge

Greetings all,

Below is the video from the April 23 GTBN Pastors’ Conference on ZOOM. Our subject was reopening the church. The first 30 min includes our visit with Jefferson County Judge Jeff Branick. The last 30 minutes involves our discussion of how to proceed toward reopening. This is a developing issue, so stay in touch for updates. While we are shooting for a soft launch of public gatherings by May 17, this is dependent on the trends with COVID 19 and guidance from the Governor continuing as they are.

I will post additional resources in following entries.


Bro. Jim


A Word to God's People


A Word to God's People

While the COVID 19 pandemic has brought quite a disruption to the ministries of most congregations, I'd like you to know that churches across the Golden Triangle Baptist Network have risen to the occasion. I guess it takes only a couple of storms to teach us how to function when we can't meet or conduct our usual ministries. At least this time there is nothing to mud out.

Like you, I pray for a quick resolution to COVID 19; however, we really don't know how long this will last nor when your church may resume ministry as usual. With this in mind, I'd like to share these brief thoughts for the members and attenders of our GTBN congregations.

First, let me affirm that your pastors and ministry leaders did not make the decision to cancel services easily. There was much prayer and study of the advice given by government officials. No church in our fellowship made this decision in fear of government sanction. They did so in order to limit contacts between people, to slow viral spread and protect especially the most vulnerable members of our community.

Second, despite canceled meetings, churches are using the varied tools available to encourage the church, facilitate ongoing discipleship, and respond to ministry needs. Your church is still ministering in Christ's name, to you, and to the lost world around us.

Third, since your church is still working, your pastor and staff are working. This is not an extended vacation for them, as you can tell by all their online communication and the efforts taken making it possible.

Finally, with ministry ongoing, your tithes and offerings still matter. I realize that many of you will experience financial loss. We're all more conservative with our spending today. But the ministries of our Lord continue. Missionaries remain on the field. Your pastors and church staff members have obligations. And the church house itself must be kept ready for the day when we resume public worship.

So please, pray for your pastor, church staff, and our missionaries during this season of uncertainty. As they minister to you, reach out to them with a word of blessing and offer to help. And continue your generous giving to the Lord through His church to the best of your ability.

Colossians 3:17 says, "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." May this be our COVID 19 testimony!

Dr. Jim Turnbo

Golden Triangle Baptist Network


When We Can't Meet Together


When We Can't Meet Together

This has certainly been a roller coaster of a week. Last weekend in SETX we all were scrambling to conduct worship in gatherings no greater than 200. By Sunday the CDC had reduced the cap to 50. By Monday the presidential task force recommended no gatherings greater than 10 persons. Now, as I write, our local county judge has issued the order, "There shall be no gatherings of more than 10 persons."

My point in this post is not to debate such policies. The COVID 19 pandemic is unprecedented in the experience of all living Americans. My goal rather is offer some guidance through a season during which churches cannot gather as are called to. To this end, let me share with you seven brief thoughts.

First, let me say that the church must gather together, physically. Nothing can replace the corporate gathering of God's people, worshiping with one heart and voice, sharing the ordinances together. I understand in this given situation that we will cease gathering for a season. But as we work to engage God's people through alternative means, let's not equate it with what we have temporarily lost. It's appropriate, I believe, to ponder what we cannot do, grieve it even, and encourage a sense of longing for that day when we will once again worship together. Mark Dever in today's 9Marks podcast says much about this point.

Second, I believe it is important to provide a means for connecting with the church and encouraging spiritual development while we cannot gather. This is where the trend to live stream messages helps us. While these tools should never be described as replacing that personal, corporate worship experience, we can use the remote tools to instruct, inform, and inspire God's people in these challenging days. While our most faithful people will wait in anticipation for our gatherings to resume, it does not hurt to help them guard their regular worship times as sacred unto Lord.

Third, which ever medium you choose for sharing your message, remember that we are shepherding people. Our goal is not merely to broadcast sermons, so when you finish don't get all excited about the number of views you had. Most were likely with you only a moment or two. Consider how you will engage people with your message, such as encouraging comments during the stream, or providing a study guide for a family to discuss after they view your message.

Next, make use of your existing discipleship structure. The best prepared churches for our current situation are those with a well developed process for small group disciple making. Those groups likely have already found alternative means to meet, like using Zoom Meeting or Google Hangouts. If they haven't, coach your leaders. Call your people to their existing curriculum and encourage them to use it. If your disciple making structure is weak, build off your messages by providing a study guide or daily Bible readings that families could follow together.

Fifth, connect with your people. Even if you serve a small church, don't do this by yourself. Use your disciple making or Sunday School organization as the foundation for communicating with your members. Set a goal of everyone receiving at least one call each week. Keep it simple. "Hey, it's Jim from Friendship Baptist. Just calling to see how you are... Is there anything I can pray with you about?... I look forward to when we can worship together again, but until then remember pastor Phil will live stream on Facebook Sunday at 10:30."

As you connect, make sure you have multiple avenues for people to share needs they have and prayer concerns. Don't let the inability to gather keep you from ministering to God's people.

Likewise for giving. If your church does not provide for online giving, do it. Lifeway Generosity is offering the service at no cost other than the card service fees (which are minimal). And don't be afraid to remind people that their offerings are important.

Sixth, watch for ministry needs as this situation develops. We're still the church. A colleague shared this morning about a church helping to house international students whose dorms were closed and they could not return home. With businesses either limited or closed, jobs might be lost. What circumstances has God placed before you in order for you to reflect Him?

Finally, don't miss the opportunity our present situation presents for sharpening your ministry. Those congregations that resist change really have no choice now. Has your treasurer resisted online giving? He's begging for it now. Have your people resisted discipleship groups? Does your web page still list your predecessor as pastor? Take this chance to polish the electronic and disciple making tools that are so crucial now, that they will be important tools supporting your ministry long after COVID 19 has passed.

As a missiologist I am excited about the new means for conducting ministry you will discover during these days. It will be interesting to see which ones we hold on to when this is over.

May God reveal Himself mightily through you and His church in these days!

Dr. Jim Turnbo

Golden Triangle Baptist Network


Back Up and Writing

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Back Up and Writing

There is nothing like a crisis to make you pick up, or in this case reestablish, a habit. The crisis is COVID 19. The habit is blogging. Since beginning my current assignment as missionary for the Golden Triangle Baptist Network, most of my writing has been through other media, namely the weekly Communique and Facebook posts. But these means, while useful, are limited. So I am returning to my practice of blogging to provide content that, at least from my perspective, has a little more depth to it, as well as more interaction.

Especially during this period of "extreme flexibility" I hope this to be another tool to serve our GTBN ministers and others as we live out Christ's calling amidst a changing world.

Let me know what you want to talk about. My focus for the next few days will be on resources that may prove helpful to you and your church in these days ahead.

If you church is not part of the Golden Triangle Baptist Network, please feel free to follow us and use whatever you learn to His glory.


Bro. Jim

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More Than Just Words


More Than Just Words

#BetterTogether. It's the hashtag you've seen on my social media posts concerning ministry visits across the Golden Triangle Baptist Network. But it's much more than a descriptor. It's a conviction.

Less than 6 months into this new assignment, I remain in the honeymoon, establishing relationships and getting acquainted with our congregations. There is much yet to learn to serve them well. But one thing I learned quickly was how diverse our churches and their pastors are.

Don't laugh. I realize most GTBN congregations are Anglo, middle class churches. I rejoice over the multi ethnic, African American, Hispanic, and Asian fellowships we have, and I pray for more. But today, we are who we are. Looking beyond the demographics, though, I see churches of various shapes and sizes.

Such diversity can complicate things. The greater our differences, the more complicated cooperation becomes. It's so much easier when we all think alike, work the same schedule, or follow the same leaders. But this is a poor excuse to shun cooperation.

I believe God expects more from us. The New Testament church was diverse. Jewish Christians came from two camps, those favoring traditional or Grecian culture. Gentile believers were themselves a diverse demographic, with masters, slaves, persons of prominence and others much less so. And yes, the Bible says much about their dispute and dissension.

But, aside from top tier doctrines and unrepentant sin, God did not instruct them to separate over their differences. In fact, to one disputing church Paul prayed the Lord would, "... grant you to live in such harmony with one another... that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ," (Rom. 15:5-6, ESV).

Despite our differences, God calls us to live in harmony that, with one heart and voice we would glorify Him.

Does this mean that there are never reasons to pull back. Of course not. The Golden Triangle Baptist Network is a confessional fellowship. There are lines one cannot cross and maintain fellowship. But among the GTBN congregations I've encountered so far, no one is running toward those lines. We stand together for Christ, proclaiming His word, to His glory.

We are better together.

More on this later. May God bless and keep you.

Bro. Jim
