There is nothing like a crisis to make you pick up, or in this case reestablish, a habit. The crisis is COVID 19. The habit is blogging. Since beginning my current assignment as missionary for the Golden Triangle Baptist Network, most of my writing has been through other media, namely the weekly Communique and Facebook posts. But these means, while useful, are limited. So I am returning to my practice of blogging to provide content that, at least from my perspective, has a little more depth to it, as well as more interaction.

Especially during this period of "extreme flexibility" I hope this to be another tool to serve our GTBN ministers and others as we live out Christ's calling amidst a changing world.

Let me know what you want to talk about. My focus for the next few days will be on resources that may prove helpful to you and your church in these days ahead.

If you church is not part of the Golden Triangle Baptist Network, please feel free to follow us and use whatever you learn to His glory.


Bro. Jim

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