At a conference not long ago I had opportunity to sit beside a pastor whom I have respected for years. Highly educated, with an extended history of fruitful ministry, I have no doubt he could have taught the conference content as well as the presenter. The presenter, young enough to be the pastor’s son, was teaching a room full of pastors, many of whom have served longer than his lifetime. Of course, the presentation was excellent. But what struck me most that day was how my elder friend, well educated and experienced in the subject, took notes as if he were a young minister hungry to learn all he could from that opportunity. He was not so educated or experienced that he couldn’t learn even more.

For fifteen years I have served pastors and congregational leaders across the country. I love them, and consider serving them a high honor. And I can honestly say, the most fruitful of those I’ve known are committed life-long learners. No matter how much education or experience they have, they are hungry to learn more… more about God’s word… more about how to apply His word through the local church… and more about how best to shepherd His church according to His purpose.

Fruitful leaders are always learning! What is the last thing you’ve learned that led to a change for the better in your practice of ministry? Think about it.


Bro. Jim
