It’s not news to anyone that summer is a busy season those in ministry. Vacation Bible School, camps, and mission trips add to an already busy church calendar. And, with the kids out of school, prioritizing time for family, while essential and wonderful, often adds stress to the calendar.

And so it is with this in mind that I offer you this reminder to take a breath, or (even better), a vacation. It’s essential all the time, but especially during these unusually busy seasons, to intentionally plan periods for rest and recovery.

Notice I said “intentional.” Often I’ll ask a pastor, “When are you taking vacation?” And the answer is, “Well, as soon as I get to it. Once things settle down.” I want to answer back, “When have you ever known things in a church to settle down?” But I don’t, being the nice guy that I am.

Most of you have figured this out by now, but let me remind you: THINGS NEVER SETTLE DOWN! In a fallen world, there is always something, someone’s crisis, some problem to respond to, or some ministry opportunity with a limited window. And so, if you’re going to bring your best to whatever God places before you, you need to plan on the front end for periods for rest, relaxation, and recreation.

Need I remind you, the Sovereign God of the Universe rested? He gave us the command of the Sabbath, which goes far beyond a simple day for rest and worship. In 1 Kings 19, when Elijah was stressed and discouraged, the LORD had him to rest (and eat). And in Matthew 11:28, just before his call to take up his yoke, Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor… and I will give you rest.” Catch the difference! Laziness is not good. Rest, on the other hand, is good, needed, and our responsibility before the Lord.

So, as your friend and missionary, if you haven’t yet done so, set aside the time.

I look forward to celebrating with you the fruit of your summer ministries as I hear what you’ve done to rest and recharge.


Bro. Jim
