Most church members cannot fully understand the lives of their pastors and church staff. They arrive at church trusting that everything required for a Christ honoring worship service is in place, that sermons and lessons are well prepared, and that, should a crisis enter their lives, someone from the church (most likely a pastor) will be available to shepherd them through. They value the ministries supported through participation or giving. And they genuinely do love, value, and appreciate their pastors, elders, ministers, and directors, even if they don’t fully understand them.

But that’s ok. I don’t fully understand the life and work of a film maker or orchestra conductor. I can’t figure out how their minds work or how they do what they do. But I appreciate their labor.

In the case of the film maker and conductor, I show my appreciation through ticket purchases, attendance at viewings or concerts, and the occasional download. But how do we show appreciation to our pastors and church ministers?

Before offering some suggestions, let me clarify something. The pastors and staff I know serve the Lord as if their only reward is to one day hear “well done” from the Savior. Churches should provide well for their physical needs through salary and benefits, but for those serving Christ’s church these are not their prime motivation. Their prime motivation is pleasing the Lord.

But in the same way you are encouraged and strengthened when others express their appreciation for your effort and company, so too are pastors and church staff. Much of what they do occurs behind the scenes, like the difficult counseling session or meetings with other leaders. In my own experience, I’ve been often encouraged by a timely show of support coming at just the right moment, like after an unjust attack or a difficult funeral.

Your encouragement matters. So, church members, take time this month and show your appreciation to those serving your church as pastor, elder, staff minister, or director. If you are a pastor-elder, make sure your staff is included, and reach out to those pastors the Lord used in shaping your ministry. Let’s those who serve His church know how you value and appreciate them.

I’ll close with a few suggestions.

  • Give a gift card for their favorite favorite restaurant.

  • Discover what they like (ex: favorite coffee, soft drink, author) and give accordingly (ex: subscription to coffee of the month club or case of their favorite).

  • Offer to sit with their kids so they can have a date night.

  • “Blessings Jar” - Get a nice crock jar and fill it with slips of paper. Have different church members write on the slips how the pastor / staff member has blessed them.

  • If they have a favorite artist or theme (mine is nautical), present them something fitting for their home, study or office.

  • If they have served five years or longer, consider a sabbatical. Contact GTBN for assistance.

  • Present them a gift, love offering or “money tree” at a church-wide fellowship.

  • “Card a Day” - Ask different members or groups to send an appreciation card so that every day or week they receive an appreciative word.

  • Take your pastor / staff member to lunch.

  • Ask, “How can I serve you?”

  • Ask, “How are you doing?”

  • Ask, “How can I help?”

What suggestions would you add?


Bro. Jim
