Churches of the GTBN share five core values, the last of which is support. According to our values statement, support is "Responding to church needs in relational, relevant, and productive ways.”
This should be an easy explanation. Every individual experiences seasons when they need help beyond their own abilities. And most see times when they are blessed beyond their needs, finding themselves in a position to bless others. Last year many of you needed help when hurricane Laura hit our region. Now many are gearing up to help our neighbors in Louisiana after hurricane Ida.
Congregations and those who serve through them have similar experiences. As I write, I know some for whom this is a season of frustration, challenge, and even hardship. For others it’s a season of blessing, fruitfulness, and abundance.
Part of the commitment we make through the GTBN is to celebrate together the victories as we help one another through the hardship. Jason Burden, pastor at FBC Nederland, reminded me of this when I first began serving as your missionary. He said the best resource we have to serve the churches of GTBN are the churches themselves. He’s right. We support one another.
When we say our support is relational, we mean it’s personal. Whether it is through the pastors’ prayer gathering or an informal group of ministry leaders you meet with, the personal connections you have with leaders in other churches provide ongoing encouragement. I believe these connections matter, The best way to have connections when you most need them is by forming them beforehand.
When we say support is relevant, we say it matters. A congregation struggling to recover from storm damage doesn’t need a denominational sales pitch. They need help with the matter at hand. The key for relevant support is listening, understanding the particulars of a need in order to prepare a response that really does matter.
When we say support is productive, we mean it’s fruitful. We all should seek to be fruitful in the Lord’s mission. Support that simply scratches an itch but leaves a problem in place is really not support. It can feel like support, and, if it relives pressure for a while, might satisfy some. But ultimately the support we give should help churches to be fruitful in their mission for the Lord’s glory. Each church within GTBN fills a particular role in His work across SETX. When more churches are fruitful, our Lord receives more glory.
There’s a far simpler way to say all this: we have each other’s backs.
I’m grateful for the opportunity through GTBN to serve those congregations seeking help, as I am for the chance to serve those blessed with wisdom, experience, and resources by which support is given. Soon the roles may change, but that’s ok because we’re in this together.