As I shared last week, October is Pastors’ Appreciation Month. For most of you, this includes maybe one or two persons. But I have over 100. Ok, not all are MY pastor. Still, as we serve together through the churches of Golden Triangle Baptist Network, they minister to me, speak truth to me, and our Lord uses them to shape me for His purpose. This ministry, plus the pleasure I have serving as a partner / encourager / coach / catalyst, blesses me. I love them, and I appreciate their ministry. This applies to my pastor, Bro. Phil Holder, and all the pastors across GTBN.

Now, consider your pastor and church staff. Think of their service for our Lord, through your church. Look up their phone, email or Facebook page. Send a text or email reminding them of your appreciation and prayers. And Sunday, ask around about how your church is recognizing your pastors’ service this month.


